Business Consultants, Inc. has real world, quality business experience which brings confidence, satisfaction, and success to the table. Our hands-on approach offers a refreshing perspective and lets you know the job is being taken care of in the most efficient and professional way possible.
We’ve spent much of our time in management roles. Our job duties have ranged far and wide- including acting as president, vice president, branch manager or property manager for a variety of companies. Whether it’s a role in financial management, estate management, business management, or liquidation management, we’re well-versed.
We have background experience in investment banking- public finance in particular. Our experience includes securities offerings, providing fiscal advice with respect to
debt structure and type, providing credit analysis, and handling tax-exempt industrial revenue bonds, general obligation bonds, utility revenue bonds, and certificates of participation on both a private and a public sale basis. He has prepared documentation and presented it on three different state offerings to Standard & Poors, Moody’s Investor Service, and AMBAC.
Oil and Gas
We have background experience as a division order analyst and landman with a $4 billion independent oil and gas company working in the Gulf Coast, Houston, Northern Louisiana, and Kansas.
Whether you need an expert witness or a consultant, Business Consultants, Inc. will draw from first-hand experience.
Give us a call to schedule a consultation.